Drawing in His Presence

Drawing in His Presence

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Holy, Holy, Holy

The first painting is what I did after receiving a prophetic word...that I would go into the nations setting women free.  I painted it as an act of obedience.  After that, I did go.  I went to Guatemala and ministers to missionary women.  Then, I went to Africa and ministered to women.  Now I find myself questioning who I am really.  As an artist.  Who am I?  I reworked this canvas.  I find myself remembering:

Last year, some of my artist friends took an amazing art trip to Ashville, NC, to a prophetic art conference. Among the amazing things that we saw, were the beautiful colors of the changing of the guard with the trees. I remember taking so many pictures of the colors. I also remember sitting on the porch during a break time and hearing a group of people singing, "Holy, Holy, Holy", and it literally infiltrated throughout the mountains. It brought tears to my eyes, and still does. I would give a whole lot to get to go again this year, but seems I may have to wait another year. I loved the experience, the growth, and hearing those beautiful words. May they reign throughout the deserts of Texas as well. "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty"....

Lord, you are Holy.  Holy are you, that was, and is and will be to come.  Blessed is Your Name.  Holy are you.  God...the one who is.  The One that holds the water in the boundaries, and the stars in the sky.  The One that I adore.  You alone are God.  My heard sings to you, and you dance over me.  What a pair we are.  You and I.  I am so thankful that we are a pair.

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