Devil's Throat
Another Alcohol Ink on Yupo, June Rollins style, doing Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. With this challenge, I had decided that I would use this time to challenge myself to experimenting daily, not being afraid of trying anything. Well, that I was intent. However, I'm really stuck on doing these. Each one is an experiment of sorts, and so much fun. This one reminds my husband and myself of a dive spot in Cozumel, Mexico called The Devil's Throat. Its an advanced dive, deep, and when the current is strong, it can be extremely challenging. It is a long fast boat ride, requiring an excess gasoline fee on top of the diving fee. With the waters being rough as they are at that point of the island, a thorough dive briefing is required. I remember thinking at the end of the briefing, "Good Lord, what am I doing here"? My heart was pounding and fear was griping me. We were told that as soon as we entered the water, we were to go straight to the bottom and to not mess around on the top. The trick was, that if the current was strong, and we didn't get to the bottom fast enough, we would completely miss the entry point of this awesome site. That's pressure on a diver that has to take her time to clear her ears! But, God was with us, and the current was normal, we encountered a huge nurse shark right as we got to the bottom, and entered the site as planned. Inside this reef structure was the "Cathedral", which had these stalagtites hanging from the top of the cavern, and a huge Lionfish (that I missed). It was so deep and dark that we had to use our flashlights inside the cavern. Looking up and out, it looked very much like this painting. It was a beautiful dive.
Drawing in His Presence
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Is there a possibility of giving us the link to the specific tutorial you were inspired from? There are many and some are not really tutorials at all. Thank you! Your work is stunning!
Sure! Here is the link. Her work is amazing! Thanks for the post and have fun with it!
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