Drawing in His Presence

Drawing in His Presence

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lay It Down

"Lay It Down"
Acrylic on Canvas
     This is my final painting of the 30 in 30 challenge.  What an experience this has been!  I have loved every minute of it, experimenting and just being free to experiment.  I painted most of this piece during worship at Emmanuel Fellowship Church, Sweetwater, TX.  It's large and hard to complete in just a few songs.  I knew days in advance what I was supposed to paint.  However, I had no idea how to make it happen.  The Lord gave me the vision for this, but how to do it is another story, especially in a worship setting where I didn't have all my tools and colors.  All week, I kept thinking about the message that came with the vision; laying down things in order to usher in the Glory.  Wow.  I consciously laid some things down myself.  Then, after I'd painted this, I went in and picked up the guide for our weekly life group.  Low and behold, the key question was "what do you need to lay down in order to live more heavenward?"  I was so thrilled.  It always does a body good to have a confirmation that you are hearing the Lord.  

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Red Dawn

"Red Dawn"
Alcohol Ink on Yupo

     After a very long 14 hour day today, I am again thankful for this technique.  My experiment was to use complimentary colors again, but to manipulate the ink through the use of the alcohol in a way so as to not over mix the two colors together, but to get some lines and edges formed.  Again, it was fun.  This is my number 29 our of  the 30 in 30 challenge.  For my last one tomorrow, I will get my brush out and do something a little more time consuming.  That's my plan, anyway.  Red Dawn.  That's it.  I wonder if it will look anything like this when the Blood Moon shows up.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Moon Glow

"Moon Glow"
4"x4" Alcohol Ink on Yupo

     This is number 28 of my 30 in 30 challenge.  I had an all day of all sorts of work today, so was glad to get to do a fast project with these inks.  I love the glow of these colors.  Hope you enjoy it.   Thanks, June Rollins for your tutorial.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bad News

"Bad News"
Watercolor on Recycled Painting

     This is number 27 of my 30 in 30 challenge.  This challenge has been so much fun, and has created a freedom in me, that I didn't know existed.  My intention was to make every single daily painting experimental.  I've never tried to do any drippy and wild colored portraits before, so thought I would give that a whirl.  I chose this photo reference of myself, taken just after receiving some bad news. Everyone always tells me that I wear my feelings on my face.  I guess I do.   I wasn't sure how to begin with the drippy style, so I settled with brights and nontraditional colors. These hydrus liquids did the trick for that.   I tried to do this really quick, without overworking anything.  If you look carefully, you can see the underlying shapes and shades, which add so much interest.  Although I recognize that I need a complete make-over, I am fairly pleased with the way this turned out, considering my goals.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Alcohol Ink on Yupo
Not for Sale

     This is number 26 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  With all of my travels lately, I've had to paint in my lap in the car.  This is the last of those paintings.  I've enjoyed the portability of this medium, and absolutely love the brilliance of colors and the abstract way that the inks melt and blend together.  It's been a blast just having fun with it, not being concerned about the outcome.  That's what experimentation is, isn't it?  When I look at this, I'm drawn to the structure of the largest opera pink shape.  It just reminds me so much of butterfly wings, which remind me of transformation.  That reminds me of how through Jesus we are being transformed into his image.  The more we are with Him, the more we begin to look like Him.  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Portal to Glory

8x8 inch alcohol ink on Yupo. Just spent the weekend in Global Celebration. Just painted thus in my lap in the car. I'm loving the ease of transportation of this media.


8x8 alcohol ink on Yupo

Did this one in the hotel room. I like it.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


6"x6" Alcohol Ink on Yupo

     The face that appears in this piece resembles mine right now.  Bleh.   I'm glad for hope.  Do you ever have to just grab onto Hope?  
     this is number 23 of my 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


6"x6" Alcohol Ink on Yupo
     This is number 22 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  My hubby and I were headed over to Abilene, TX to Global Awakenings Keys to Prophetic Conference.  He was driving, and I was determined not to miss a day of painting.  I'd loaded art supplies and took the opportunity while I had it.  A window of time...As I set a hard back book on my lap and got my stuff out, he asked me in a funny tone of voice, "are you going to paint, now?"  I could tell he thought I was a little kookie.  Smiling inside, I began.  I started out my normal way.  Then, I had the thought of doing something different.  After all, this whole challenge to me is to experiment.   This one touched both of us.  The colors are luminescent and it just reminds me of the Glory.  Throughout the day, I watched as people took their window of opportunity and received physical healing.  I learned much about those windows.  So many times we walk right past the Glory because we're unaware of the opportunity.   I pray that my senses are sharpened, my inner GPS is programmed for those opportunities to bring heaven to earth so that others can see the Glory of God.  Watch, wait, go.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Amaryllis by Morning

Amaryllis by Morning
16x20 on 140# Arches Paper
Water Media and India Ink
Click here to Purchase this Painting

     This is number 21 of my 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  It used to be an abstract from long ago, reworked into this amaryllis.  I used India ink to define the edges, and give a little more contrast.  It was great fun to do, just because I think this flower is so beautiful.  It's amazing to watch one in the process of blooming.  It takes forever to begin, then once it does, it's in full bloom in a matter of a couple of days.  You go to bed and the next morning, there it is.  It reminds me of the Lord's mercies.  He makes all things new.  Each morning is new.  

Monday, January 21, 2013


22x30 Acrylic on Canvas

     I painted this during worship at Emmanuel Fellowship Church Yesterday.  It was one of those scattered feeling days, with several hats to wear, and no time to "get quiet".  I've learned to begin to trust the Lord, and just worship Him, and ask what to do next.  It's really freeing, not to have to perform or have a distinct image to have as an end product.  It's really an act of worship to just trust him.  It was interesting because one man came to me, and pointed out that it looked like sperm, and to him, it rang right in sync with with word of knowledge, which was life and joy.  I left it at that, and received from the Lord, life and joy even for myself.  I needed some of that!  At the end of the service, a woman approached me and wanted to buy it.  She said there was just something about it, that kept drawing her to it.  I really didn't think it was finished, but I've learned that when someone wants to buy it, sell it.  They don't want to buy your finished work.  Praise God!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Days Gone By

"Days Gone By"
Watercolor on 140# Arches Paper
Click Here to Purchase this Painting

     This was the 2nd painting that I did taking Kay Smith's "Recycling" workshop, yesterday.  Two in one day!  This is number 19 of my 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge.  I can't believe the 30th day is fast approaching.  I can't believe, either how this has gotten into my system.  It's on my mental checklist.  I'm thinking that I'll continue, even after the challenge is over.  This was once a failed painting, and has been revived.  I've never known a purple cow, but I do remember the days long ago, as a child; when I wouldn't drink milk unless it was from the purple cow.  My mother would color the milk purple so that I would drink it.  It reminds me too, of how every time I get together with an old friend of mine days gone by are rehashed.  I know too, how so many times I rehash them in my old mind. I have to catch myself sometimes when I begin to regret wasting so much time.  Time in which I wasn't living for the Lord.  But gently, He brings me back in.  Back in to His goodness and mercy, and reminds me that the plans he has for me are not behind, but ahead of me.  The plans that are so good for me.  An old life, failed and brought back to life. Amen.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sun's Up

"Sun's Up"
Watercolor on Paper
Click Here to Purchase this Painting

     I took a "Recycled" workshop from Kay Smith, of Big Spring, TX today.  Oh what fun it was!  This used to be a pretty pitiful abstract.  I turned it into this Sunflower today.  I used lots of deep colors, including a new to me color, Midnight made by American Journey.  This is a nice creative way to cause your brain to twist a little.  Lot's of decisions to make...which shapes to keep, which lights to keep, which colors, etc.  It was a great day.  All of her workshops are great days in my opinion.  When I look at this, the bright center just really speaks to me, in that it reminds me of how a Sunflower follows the Sun.  It reminds me to stay centered on the Son.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Two Standing, One Fallen

"Two Standing, One Fallen"




Acrylic on Canvas Board

Click Here to Purchase this Painting

Galatians 6:  1      Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

     I watched a demo that Robert Burridge has on his website.  He has such fun, and I decided I wanted to give it a try.  This is Day 17 of the 30 Day Painting a Day Challenge.  It's all about experimenting so I gave it a try.  It was REALLY fun!  I just took color and and painted all over the the canvas.  Then, I took the cool colors and painted negatively and left the pear shapes.  It was fun, and I did very little extra on the pears, other than the highlights.  It was great fun, and no stress.  I just kept thinking about the title, and clearly heard those words.  I knew the Lord had something to say to me about it.  I believe the above scripture says it.  Especially, considering everything going on in our family lately.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Peachy Delight

"Peachy Delight"
Watercolor on 140# Arches 
Click Here to Purchase the Painting

     When I bought this beautiful cloth in Guatemala a few years ago, I knew s painting would come from it.  It matches my Fiesta ware so beautifully.  Last summer, our peach tree was loaded, so I took the opportunity to set up a still life for a reference photo.  Today, I decided to experiment with some watercolor texturing medium on the peaches in hopes to make them look fuzzy. I'll refrain from my opinion of the medium until I've worked it a few more times.  Initially, I can tell you that you will have to do many more layers to get a bright color.  I wonder, which fruit of the Spirit would a peach represent?  Today, I think it must be patience.  Day 16 of my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Acrylic on Canvas Board 22x28

     I reworked the oak tree into a more colorful whimsical tree.  I was playing with the interactive acrylics, and just decided to play.  This was a mindless time of painting as far as paying attention to the painting.  I was caught up in using it more as therapy, sort of.  I have no idea why I chose the colors that I did, but I really like it.  I like it much better than the original oak, and I like my meandering ground. The interactive acrylics are really neat.  I wish all of my acrylics were this kind.  It's nice to be able to rewet and go again.  I will start replacing with these as I reorder.  One thing I have not done, is to compare the color quality with my favorite Golden's.  I wonder if they can be beat.   It might be finished.  Or not.  It's my painting number 15 of the 30 day challenge.  Tonight we start up with Life Groups again, so there won't be any painting this evening.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Koi 2

Koi 2
Oil on Canvas Board
Click Here to Purchase this Painting
     This was a fun #14 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge.  I used my cold wax in a different way, and did the whole thing with a pallet knife.  I really like the depth.  I believe this guy looks like he's really underwater.  The movement and reflections turned out just right.  I think I'll do some more like this.  I'm really enjoying this challenge.  Having the goal of doing a painting a day has gotten in my system.  I'm happy that I've met my goals, and happy with my time management.  I worked the day today, and even cooked dinner for two families.  I've still got time to do some more art!  Like so many other things, you just have to set your mind to it.  I am wondering how I will manage to paint next week, while involved in two conferences and being away from home....I'm thinking watercolor and lunch breaks.  We'll see.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Koi #1

Watercolor on Paper

Click Here to Purchase this Painting

     Thought I would do a quickie watercolor using my Dr. Ph. Martin's Hydrus Liquid Watercolors.  The experiment was to use some of my Daniel Smith Irridescent watercolor's in the water.  That worked pretty well until I added the Dr. liquids on top of it.  Hummm.  Well. this 30 day challenge is to be a challenge, right?  I at least, had my husband's time and attention right with me in my studio.  What better can you get than that?  So, it's not my best work.  Oh well.  It was good, quality time.  My love language.  Yay.  That's two for one.  How many of you don't know about love languages?  I wish I would have known many years ago, about love language.   Maybe I could have salvaged a lot of things, including my marriage and family.  If you are in a struggle, now is the time to discover what your love language is.  And, what your spouses' is....and your kids.  It makes a difference.  It might be a good time to tune into www.efcsweetwater.com and find the link for podcasts.  Scroll down till you find the Feb. 2012 series called the Marriage coach and begin listening.  You can even do a free online test of our languages.  Google free love language tests.  Fun!  

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Watercolor on Paper
Click Here to Purchase This Painting
     This is day 12 of my 30 day Painting a Day Challenge.  This challenge is to experiment with something for each day.  For today, I ran across a photo of this beautiful mango drink from some years ago.  I took the picture specifically to use as a reference photo.  I loved the hand painted glass even more than the cold mango treat after a near 3 mile hot walk into downtown Cozumel.  Since my intention is to experiment, I pulled out an old watercolor painting that was stretched on bars, and was a failure.  I decided to apply Daniel Smith's watercolor ground and play.  The ground seemed kind of like gesso going on, and covered pretty well.  It did leave some brush mark texture which was inevitable.  Compared to paper only, it seems that maybe this doesn't take to layering and blending quite as well, but was great for all those bright colors.  It was perfect for this particular subject.  I used my new set of Dr. Ph. Martin's liquid watercolor set #1.  I've never seen such bright colors.  This was fun, and the striped saucer housing the off center glass almost made me crazy. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


A Planting of the Lord

A Planting of the Lord
Acrylic on Canvas Board 20x24

     We had a great "girlie" day in my art studio today.  Six artists having a paint day.  What fun.  We decided that we would do trees, led by Rhonda Wilks.  We started with oaks and ended with evergreens.  I think this might have been my first or second tree of all time, done in acrylic.  I used the new set of interactive acrylics, which I do believe I like.  They feel like oils going on, and I like being able to spritz them and bring them back alive again.  
     As I was painting I kept wondering and silently asking the Lord what he was saying to me.  I kept hearing "Oak of Righteousness."  After looking at the scripture in Isaiah 61,  I realized that my life is described in this passage.  My life has gone full circle, from being totally broken to inner healing.   I have been given the oil of gladness instead of mourning, traded beauty for ashes, and even walk in the ministry of seeing the broken healed.  Part of my ministry is freedom ministry, being used by the Lord to see the captives set free, and the sick healed.  Today, this really made me take a look back at my life and see how far I have come  with the Lord. Its so exciting to realize that  I can be a display of His splendor.

Friday, January 11, 2013

We're a Pair

We're a Pair
Oil on Canvas Board 8x10 (Pallet Knife)  100.00
Click here to Purchase this Painting

I couldn't resist buying these pears the other day.  They were so plump and delicious looking.  I brought them home, and promptly took them out of the bag to marvel at their colors.  I instructed my husband not to eat them until I at least had time to photo them.  I knew a painting of some kind would emerge.  Sure enough, just after I decided to be the first one to partake,  I was inspired.  I decided to try my hand at using a pallet knife with the oils.  It was fun, day 10 of the Leslie Saeta 30 Day Painting Challenge.  As I ate my pear and drank some Texas Blend coffee, I was reminded what a pair, Jesus and I are together.   Paired with Him, Nothing is Impossible!   My husband walks up to the top of a hill that we have on our place just to pray, each and every day.  He has filled the ruts in the road with rocks.  Each rock represents the name of a person that he prays for.   On his way up to the hill  one day he wrote this song:  Walking up this rocky road, Coffee in my hand...I've got one for for my Jesus, and one for this man.  I'm standing on this mountain, cast it to the sea, not doubting in my heart but believing in what I say...And as I stand praying believing in my heart that I've received, and I thank you Lord.  Now of coarse, you can't "hear the tune" but it's a really neat song.  He's a really neat husband.  I'm blessed to be married to him.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Better Year

"Better Year"
Water Color on 140# Arches Watercolor Paper; 9x12.  125.00

Day 9 of Leslie Saeta's 30 Day Paint Challenge

  1995 represents the beginning of a new life, along with it my walking in the Light was too far off.  I used symbolism in this painting to create significance in my life.   I'd never tasted "good" wine, until my cousin treated me to this bottle a few years ago.  Oh my.  It's like tasting the New Wine that the Lord gives, when we shed the old wind skin and get the new. There's no comparison and your taste buds become very discerning, both in the natural and the supernatural.  Oh my.  Letting His Light shine in us, reflecting Him back to the World.   That's when the going gets good, my friends.  That's it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


     India ink, watercolor on gesso  and paper.
     As I watch the ones dearest to me  suffer because of life struggles, I sit and contemplate my hand in their situation.  I'm hit with all of the typical what if questions, the "if I'd done this, or not done that", then surely things wouldn't be this way.   Although, that is very true because  my choices have had consequences and we can all look back and see if we would have turned another way, we would be in another place.  But, it's also these times that I am reminded that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  So are my loved ones.  My regrets lie in the part of my life that I did not lead in the perfect will of God.  I'm thankful that He makes all things new, and recovers what the enemy steals.

 I wasn't in much of a mood to do a project, so I just dug out this colorful paper that I'd played on months ago.  I decided to just use the dropper out of the india ink bottle, and to draw without any erasing or anything.  I spent no more than 5 min. doing this.  The bright color just reminds me that through Jesus Christ I don't have to live in regret.  I can walk in his perfect will now, and my life is redeemed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


  This is watercolor on YUPO,  I did it from a photo of coconuts that I took from my resort view at El Cid la Ceiba, Cozumel, Mexico.  I've wanted to do this for so long, and since I am working on experimenting with this 30 day painting a day challenge, I decided to go ahead and try it on YUPO.  When I got it done, I realized that it looks like some gigantic insect.   Working on YUPO is a different horse of a different color...especially if you try to control it at all.  It was fun, and I will do it again.  8x10.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Devil's Throat

Devil's Throat
   Another Alcohol Ink on Yupo, June Rollins style, doing Leslie Saeta's 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  With this challenge, I had decided that I would use this time to challenge myself to experimenting daily, not being afraid of trying anything.  Well, that I was intent.  However, I'm really stuck on doing these.  Each one is an experiment of sorts, and so much fun.  This one reminds my husband and myself of a dive spot in Cozumel, Mexico called The Devil's Throat.  Its an advanced dive, deep, and when the current is strong, it can be extremely challenging.  It is a long fast boat ride, requiring an excess gasoline fee on top of the diving fee.  With the waters being rough as they are at that point of the island, a thorough dive briefing is required.  I remember thinking at the end of the briefing, "Good Lord, what am I doing here"?  My heart was pounding and fear was griping me.  We were told that as soon as we entered the water, we were to go straight to the bottom and to not mess around on the top.  The trick was, that if the current was strong, and we didn't get to the bottom fast enough, we would completely miss the entry point of this awesome site.  That's pressure on a diver that has to take her time to clear her ears!  But, God was with us, and the current was normal, we encountered a huge nurse shark right as we got to the bottom, and entered the site as planned.  Inside this reef structure was the "Cathedral", which had these stalagtites hanging from the top of the cavern, and a huge Lionfish (that I missed).  It was so deep and dark that we had to use our flashlights inside the cavern.  Looking up and out, it looked very much like this painting.  It was a beautiful dive.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Let it Rain

Storm's a Brewin'
This is another alcohol ink on Yupo, inspired by watching June Rollins' video.  If you haven't seen it, check it out.  This is way too addicting.  I used opposite colors on this 4"x4" piece, a toothpick to blend with, and a dab of alcohol.  The mysterious feel to it appeals to my emotions.  It just reminds me of those stormy dust days of Texas, that color the sky this yellowish brown color as it rumbles and rolls in.    I can't help but see the distant mountain and and am reminded of scripture that says that we can say to the mountains in our lives to be removed and it shall be removed.  The color of the sky reminds me of Jesus telling us to say to the storm, Peace, Be Still!  As I ponder the storms that are boiling in our family, as I fight for God's will to be reality, I believe that the Lord just showed me just this moment that after a storm comes rain, and that this storm is my opportunity to move mountains and calm the storm.  Resurrection power lives within me, and the Kingdom of God is at hand!  Praise the Lord!  Let it Rain, Lord, Let it Rain!  Holy Spirit, Living Water, Rain the land of my family.  Let it Rain!  Amen.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Red Dawn

Red Dawn

Day 4 of Leslie Saeta's Challenge.  I ran onto June Rollins through Leslie's Blog and Challenge.  I loved her video on Alcohol Inks and Yupo.  Since I am allowing myself plenty of play and exploration during this challenge, I decided to try my hand at it, going from her instructions.  It is very addicting, and I am so excited about doing more of these.  I've done several already, and my son really likes them.  He says what he likes is that the viewer can make it be whatever they want.  I wonder if there are large bottles of alcohol ink available.  This is a 4"x4" on Yupo.

Friday, January 4, 2013

This is day 3 of the 30 day painting challenge.  It's 6x7 watercolor on paper.  I used to love to do landscapes, and find myself pretty bored with them for some reason.  I spiced this one up with color to take the doldrums out.  It was something quick to meet the challenge.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Throne Room

The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.
Throne Room
6"x6" Acrylic on Cradled Wood
No Frame Needed
Click Here to Purchase This Painting

This is my entry for the Daily Paint Works Challenge.  I'm excited about committing to doing 30 paintings in 30 days.  I plan to experiment with all sorts of things, taking the pressure off to make things just so.  This is going to be fun!  

Lately, I have been intrigued with reading Revelations and thinking about the Throne room, the jasper, the emerald rainbow, the Presence of God and what that will look like.  I've done a few paintings on this subject area.  I believe this one speaks to me the most.  The Golden fluid acrylics are beautiful.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I just had to do something whimsical and fun with these new Dr. Ph. Martin liquid watercolors.  The colors are so cheerful.  Sometimes it does a body good to just play without worrying about how it turns out.  I am determined to draw or paint every day, at least for the next 30 days just to challenge myself.  This is #1.  Jan. 1, 2013.

Many years ago, I made a quilted wall hanging from this pattern.  Back in my younger days, it was much funnier than it is now...  I used to not understand little old ladies who wore SAS shoes with socks and their dresses.  Now, after 29 years of standing on concrete for a living, I find that socks really feel good with SAS shoes, or at least Burkinstock sandals.  I haven't come to the place of wearing them with my dresses, yet....but not saying I won't.  I really want to laugh when I look at these body shapes.  They are so typical of women that have transformed from the fit and active lifestyles to the lesser, but also resemble so much wisdom.  Often, I think that younger people disregard them thinking that they don't know what's going on; when in fact they know more of what's going on than the youth.  http//www.drawinginhispresence.comI can definitely find myself here.  Can you?